THE PARISH COUNCIL is committed to making Fishburn cemetery as tidy as possible, as well as respecting the resting places of residents' loved ones, and several thousands of pounds has recently been spent on areas of the cemetery that were particularly uneven, improving the borders along the cemetery drive, and planting 50 new hybrid tea roses. An extension to the Garden of Remembrance in the cemetery has also been completed. The design of the customised cemetery gates is striking and can be viewed in the photo gallery below. These gates are occasionally closed, but not locked, when the grounds maintenance staff finish their work for the day. An alternative gate for pedestrians is available further up the drive.
RULES AND REGULATIONS - adopted on 8th March 2018.
In setting the following rules and regulations, the Parish Council is attempting to balance the individual wishes of bereaved families with the need to ensure the Cemetery is safely managed for the benefit of all visitors. We also want to preserve the attractiveness of the Cemetery. You are therefore respectfully asked to read and keep to the following rules:
- No dogs - other than guide dogs - are allowed in the Cemetery.
- Drive slowly on the access road to the Cemetery as it is shared with pedestrians.
- Vehicles should be parked in the designated area.
- Place refuse in the litter bins provided or take it away with you.
- No games or sport are permitted in the Cemetery grounds. No music to be played except by prior agreement at a burial. No alcohol.
- Main vehicle access gates may be closed at dusk.
- Grave surrounds, kerbstones, fences, wooden boards and other means of marking the boundary of the grave of any kind are no longer permitted and will be removed without further notice. Vases must not be placed in the middle of graves.
- All memorial headstones and plaques and the inscriptions are subject to approval of the Parish Council. The following restrictions apply to headstones [on full sized graves]: Maximum overall height of 90cm (3ft) which includes the depth of the base; Maximum width of 90cm (3ft); Maximum thickness of 12.5cm (5ins); Minimum thickness of 7.5cm (3ins).
- Any memorial erected in the Cemetery remains the property and responsibility of the deed holder or memorial applicant if different and must be kept in a good state of repair. The Council reserves the right to make safe any memorial which has become, or is considered likely to become, dangerous or which is in an unsightly condition.
- Any personal mementos must be kept within the area of the headstone or plaque and not encroach onto the grass or graves of others or the dividing area. This allows the Council to cut the grass without damaging your property. Any items which are likely to cause injury to visitors or staff will be removed.
- No trees, bushes, or shrubs may be planted.
- Any Christmas wreaths should be removed by the end of January. The Council reserves the right to dispose of any dead flowers not removed in order to maintain an overall pleasant appearance of the cemetery.
CEMETERY FEES 2023/2024 - adopted on 14th February 2019.
The Deed of Exclusive Right of Burial in Fishburn Cemetery may only be purchased by parishioners/residents, which means any person who at the time of purchasing a grave is a resident within the parish of Fishburn, on payment of the appropriate fee.
All fees and charges to non-residents of Fishburn Parish will be DOUBLED. This is to recognise the reducing grave space at the cemetery and because burial is a service subsidised by local Council Tax payers, i.e. the local community.
- Deed of exclusive right of burial (purchase of plot): £100.00
- Ordinary single burial (Monday-Friday): £250.00
- Surcharge for each coffin burial (from 1st April 2022): £10.00
- Saturday burial: £300.00
- Burial of cremated remains: £60.00
- Permission for erection of memorial: £50.00
- Permission for erection of vase: £40.00
- Permission for erection of small plaque: £30.00
- Permission for added Inscription to existing memorial: £25.00.
NOTE: The registered owner of the Deed of Exclusive Right of Burial has the automatic right to be buried in the grave. They do not own the land itself. The ownership of the cemetery land remains with the Parish Council.
Usually only the spouse, civil partner, or sons and daughters, of such deed holder may be interred in the grave (space permitting). When there is no surviving spouse, the next of kin, in order of age, or to whom the estate was bequeathed, usually have the burial rights. The Parish Council is unable to provide advice on inheritance rights under succession law.
The Parish Council's document library on this website holds a digital map of the cemetery to assist families who might want to visit the cemetery to familiarise themselves with the layout. There are recycled cartons provided at the tap near the entrance to the cemetery.
The point of contact for cemetery enquiries is through the Parish Clerk, who is employed on a part-time basis, but is usually available on week days during normal business hours. The e-mail address is: fishburnparishcouncil@hotmail.com
The Parish council has erected a wall with memorial plaques. The compound area where the disused polytunnel and shed used to be has been cleared of waste, plastic, stone, old wreaths, and other rubbish, the broken fencing removed, and the whole area levelled and sprayed with weed-killer because it had become so unsightly. The memorial garden with water feature, hanging baskets, plants, benches, and wall shielda that area whilst recognising the need for additional grave space at the cemetery in coming years. Provision has been made for the scattering of cremated remains within the memorial garden thereby allowing Fishburn families to scatter the cremated remains of loved ones and commemorate the memory of the deceased all within their local cemetery.
The Parish Council is keen to improve and expand the three public seats within the cemetery. For example, the timber seat donated by Fishburn Past and Present Group in 1996 is showing significant wear and tear. You can apply for a memorial seat to commemorate a person or event, including an engraved plaque or carved inscription, designed to withstand heavy usage as well being weather resistant. The Council will be happy to arrange a price quotation to meet your exact requirements.